Purchase of real estate in Italy

The European injunction procedure or, rather, the European Payment Order is an instrument used in cross-border disputes, that is, in disputes involving two different European Union countries…
Insults on the Internet – incitement to hatred, gossip, right to criticism. When is it a crime? Is there any compensation?

The European injunction procedure or, rather, the European Payment Order is an instrument used in cross-border disputes, that is, in disputes involving two different European Union countries…
The European injunction procedure

The European injunction procedure or, rather, the European Payment Order is an instrument used in cross-border disputes, that is, in disputes involving two different European Union countries…
2023 Tax bonuses for property renovations in Italy – Update

There are still ample tax bonuses for property renovations in Italy, and the bank credit transfer is particularly attractive for those who do not have tax burdens in Italy…
Skiing accident in Italy: who is civilly liable?

Skiing is a risky sport. Those who take to the slopes accept basic risk and must assess their abilities in advance and prepare their equipment accordingly…
Compensation in Italy: traffic accidents, skiing accidents, etc.

Whether a foreigner or a citizen, anyone who suffers an injury in Italy is subject to the Italian legal system for compensation…
The usufructuary – the owner who is not actually such

Ius alienis rebus utendi fruendi salva rerum substantia. What at first glance seems like a very complicated incantation describes the legal institution of usufruct in the shortest and most succinct way possible: the right to draw fruits from another’s thing with the duty to preserve the thing itself. In other words, the usufructuary can use the thing like an owner.…